====== obj.FilenameOnDisk ======
===== Motivation =====
This method can be used in scripted applications, for instance to store a result of a call to another method (e.g. [[prt.CreateSDM|PRT::CreateSDM]]) under a similar filename (see example below).
===== Reference ('obj.Help('FilenameOnDisk')') =====
AFT::FilenameOnDisk - returns the filename property
FORMAT: filename = obj.FilenameOnDisk;
No input fields
Output fields:
filename last used filename (on load or save)
===== Usage example =====
% loading a protocol
prt = xff('*.prt');
% creating an SDM with
% - 240 volumes,
% - a TR of 2000 msec, and
% - no rest condition in the PRT
sdm = prt.CreateSDM(struct('nvol', 240, 'prtr', 2000, 'rcond', []));
% save under same filename with .sdm extension
sdm.SaveAs(strrep(prt.FilenameOnDisk, '.prt', '.sdm'));
===== Usage notes =====
The ''.FilenameOnDisk'' (property) method will return an **empty string for object that have not been load from/saved to disk**!