====== voi.AddSphericalVOI ======
===== Motivation =====
In many cases, researchers already have a priori selected areas/regions which are candidates for testing specific hypothesis, which gives greater detection power (at least when, on the other hand, researchers apply customary multiple-comparison correction algorithm if they decide to perform whole-brain searches for effects that match their hypothesis!).
Often these regions of a priori interest are given as an estimate of a central coordinate around which a spherical shape is defined with a given radius. This method allows to create ROIs that conform with that notion.
===== Method reference ('voi.Help('AddSphericalVOI')') =====
VOI::AddSphericalVOI - add a spherically shaped VOI to the object
FORMAT: [voi = ] voi.AddSphericalVOI(c, r);
Input fields:
c 1x3 coordinate (center)
r 1x1 radius (must be > 0 and < 128)
Output fields:
voi VOI with added VOI (integer coordinates only!)
===== Example =====
To add one specific ROI to a new VOI object around, say, coordinate (-24, -4, -22) (the Talairach Atlas resolves to the left Amygdala on that coordinate) with a radius of 6mm, you can use the following code:
% create VOI object
voi = xff('new:voi');
% add ROI
voi.AddSphericalVOI([-24, -4, -22], 6);
To add multiple VOIs (e.g. from a table of coordinates), you could use this:
% create VOI object
voi = xff('new:voi');
% coordinates are in a Cx3 table, ctab, and the radius is fixed at 8mm
% alternatively, the radius could be in column 4 in a Cx4 table
% iterate over coordinates in table
for cc = 1:size(ctab, 1)
% add coordinate
voi.AddSphericalVOI(ctab(cc, 1:3), 8);
% or alternatively:
% voi.AddSphericalVOI(ctab(cc, 1:3), ctab(cc, 4));