====== xfigure (class for UI object handling) ======
===== Motivation =====
When I started writing Matlab code for handling UI events (using Matlab R11), I noticed that certain tasks were not at all easy to accomplish and that using the built-in figure editor was a bit cumbersome (for me, at least). I thus decided to come up with a set of functions that would manipulate Matlab's handle graphics objects (particularly figures and uicontrols), which ended up becoming a class implementation, xfigure.
Major features include:
* figure definitions (type, position and extended properties of controls and menus) can be stored in human-readable text files (see [[tfgparse]] for more information), supporting relative positioning of uicontrols to the previous control (making it easier to extend a figure)
* properties can be read out and written to using the struct notation (see [[@xfigure/subsref]] and [[@xfigure/subsasgn]])
* groups of uicontrols and uimenus can be set enabled/disabled and visible/hidden with one single call (see [[xfigure.SetGroupEnabled]] and [[xfigure.SetGroupVisible]] methods)
* groups of uicontrols can be moved with one single call (see [[xfigure.SlideGroupXY]] method)
* uicontrols can be put on "pages" of figures, which can be selected (visibility) easily (see [[xfigure.ShowPage]] method)
* groups of uicontrols with ''Style'' = '''radiobutton''' can be grouped into a RadioGroup (see [[xfigure.RadioGroupSetOne]] method)
* content of fields (edit fields, checkboxes, etc.) can be "linked" to an [[xini|xini file/object]], allowing to automatize retaining settings across uses of a dialog window
* multi-string uicontrols (listbox) have extended syntax available (e.g. to splice the content, move the selected portion, etc.)
===== Reference ('help xfigure') =====
xfigure (Object class)
This class handles MATLAB's UI related stuff with an OO interface.
objects can have a subtype of either
-> ROOT (the factory itself, corresponds to MATLAB handle 0)
-> Figure (MATLAB figure objects)
-> UIControl (MATLAB uicontrols objects)
-> UIMenu (MATLAB uimenu objects)
-> UIContextMenu (MATLAB uicontextmenu objects)
The following constructors are available:
xfigure(matlabhandle [, 'delete'])
xfigure(objecttype, xfighandle)
xfigure(filename [, options])
For better object access, the struct notation
is implemented for both reading/writing.
Note: due to a MATLAB restriction of a maximum length for variable
names (31 characters), Tags longer than 27 won't work.
===== subsref overloading =====
Just as with the [[xff]] class, fields of Matlab handles (e.g. the ''Value'' property of a uicontrol with ''style'' = '''checkbox''') can be read out and written to using the struct notation (reducing the number of parantheses in the code):
% original way to invert the state of a checkbox:
set(checkbox, 'Value', 1 - double(get(checkbox, 'Value') > 0));
% xfigure way
checkbox.Value = 1 - double(checkbox.Value > 0);
===== Object sub-types =====
There are a few important differences to be aware of when working with xfigure objects. First of all, there are the five different major sub-types of objects:
* sub-type ROOT object (which represents handle 0, is unique and can not be deleted/created but just referenced)
* sub-type figure objects (which represent handles of ''Type'' = '''figure''')
* sub-type uicontrol objects (which represent handles of ''Type'' = '''uicontrol''', and in some instances '''axes''')
* sub-type uimenu objects (which represent handles of ''Type'' = '''uimenu''') and
* sub-type uicontextmenu objects (which represent handles of ''Type'' = '''uicontextmenu''', rarely used)
==== ROOT object ====
A reference to the (unique, singleton) ROOT object can be created by calling xfigure without arguments (comparable to the [[xff]] class):
% get a reference to the xfigure ROOT object
xfig = xfigure;
With that object, one important method, ''DeleteAllFigures'', is available, which is accessible via the struct (subsref) notation:
% delete all figures, also hidden figures, etc.
And naturally, ROOT properties (such as ''ScreenSize'') can be read out and, if applicable, set via the struct notation.
==== figure objects ====
First of all, a figure object can be created by passing a valid TFG filename (see [[tfgparse]] for more information) as argument to the ROOT object:
% create the figure of the tdclient UI
tdclient_ui = xfigure([neuroelf_path '/_core/tfg/tdclient.tfg']);
And figure properties can then be set (and read out) via the struct notation:
% set Position of tdclient
tdclient_ui.Position(1:2) = [200, 400];
Additionally, the following methods are available for sub-type figure objects:
% en-/disabling a group of uicontrols
tdclient_ui.SetGroupEnabled('NoLabel', 'off');
% hide a group of controls (as an example, the figure lacks the group!)
tdclient_ui.SetGroupVisible('Output', 'off');
% setting the first of a group of radio buttons to be selected
tdclient_ui.RadioGroupSetOne('SType', 1);
% "slide" a group of controls to a different position (X: -40, Y: +120)
tdclient_ui.SlideGroupXY('Inputs', [-40, 120]);
% delete (close) the figure