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NeuroElf - compute multi-study GLM


While looking at the outcome of regressions on single runs (e.g. via using the VTC::CreateGLM and GLM::SingleStudy_tMap methods) can already be instructive, most neuroimaging studies focus on trying to draw conclusions that can be generalized to the entirety of subject population (where the participants in the actual study represent a randomly drawn sample, and one candidate for an appropriate statistical test thus is a random-effects t-map).

This is currently the only menu-based and fully integrated way of performing full-volume-based time-course data regression in NeuroElf, and it is implemented via the MDM::ComputeGLM method. To simplify file selection, NeuroElf comes with its own UI for this task.


Please read the page on GLM computation carefully before proceeding, so that you are aware of the options (not all of which are currently implemented in the GUI version, such as PPI settings, etc.).

GUI layout

Multi-study GLM computation dialog (using the MDM::ComputeGLM method)


The following controls are available: