Table of Contents

Project folder structure


While you are, naturally, free to use any structure to store the diverse files related to your study (e.g. stimulus material, grant documents, physiological measurements, logfiles and onset parameters, fMRI data, structural and DTI scans, etc.), the workflow usually greatly benefits from a more rigorous adaptation and implementation of a specific folder structure.

There are reasons for this:


Some discipline on your part (and everybody else involved in the project) as well as a good understanding of what kind of analyses you want to perform and how the results should be organized (e.g. do you plan to run cross-correlations between subjects and need a place to store pairwise comparison maps).

The naming convention

Once you decide to implement a specific folder structure, please take a few moments to think about the following issues:

The following is an exemplary suggestion, and you are of course welcome (and usually required) to change it according to your specific needs:

Exemplary folder structure

This example is not meant to be comprehensive in the sense that you will almost certainly experience the need to add your own branches to the structure (and equally drop those that are not required in your situation)!

 | ---- /OlfacStroop
 |       | -------- /Documents
 |       |           | ------ /Literature
 |       |           |         | ------- /2007_Walter_et_al__Olfaction_Attention.pdf
 |       |                                (...) -> further articles to cite
 |       |           Imaging
 |       |           | ---- /Analyses
 |       |           |       | ----- /GLM
 |       |           |       |        |- /OLSTR_21subjects_OLS_masked_PSC.glm
 |       |           |       |        |   (...) -> additional regression results for comparison
 |       |           |       |
 |       |           |       |        (...) -> additional folders with other methods (e.g. ICA, Mediation)
 |       |           |
 |       |           |       Subjects
 |       |           |       | ----- /OLSTR8122
 |       |           |       |        | ------ /anatomical
 |       |           |       |        |         | ------- /spgr
 |       |           |       |        |         |         | - /spgr.nii
 |       |           |       |        |         |         |    (...) -> additional files (normalization parameters, etc.)
 |       |           |       |        |
 |       |           |       |        |         dti
 |       |           |       |        |         |- /dtivol_001.nii
 |       |           |       |        |         |    (...) -> additional files (different gradient directions)
 |       |           |       |        |
 |       |           |       |        |         functional
 |       |           |       |        |         | ------- /run01_240_focus
 |       |           |       |        |         |          | ------------ /akvol_00001.nii
 |       |           |       |        |         |          |               (...) -> volumes 2 through 240, preprocessing
 |       |           |       |        |         |
 |       |           |       |        |         |          run02_240_distract
 |       |           |       |        |         |          (...) -> additional folders (another task, etc.)
 |       |           |       |        |
 |       |           |       |        |         raw
 |       |           |       |        |         |- /240r_3
 |       |           |       |        |             | --- /IM-0003-00001.dcm
 |       |           |       |        |             |      (...) -> additional DICOM files
 |       |           |       |        |
 |       |           |       |        |             (...) -> additional DICOM folders
 |       |           |       |             
 |       |           |       |         (...) -> next subject
 |       |           |       |