Table of Contents
xff file formats
Sometimes it is useful to understand the working mechanism of a specific file format supported by NeuroElf/xff, particularly for the text-based (tff) formats (e.g. BrainVoyager QX's protocol file format). This page will, in time, link to information about the various formats.
List of formats
Binary formats
- CMP, GCM, and ICA (BrainVoyager QX combined format for component, Granger, and ICA maps)
- GLM (BrainVoyager QX general-linear-model file, storage of regression results)
- HDR and NII (Analyze/NIftI file format, multi-purpose storage of 3D/4D voxel-wise data)
- MAP (BrainVoyager QX slice-based map file, i.e. for FMR overlay)
- MAT (Matlab MAT file with data field)
- MSK (BrainVoyager QX mask file, voxel-based)
- MTC (BrainVoyager QX mesh-based timecourse file)
- SMP (BrainVoyager QX surface map file, i.e. for SRF overlay)
- SRF (BrainVoyager QX surface file, vertices, triangles, normals, colors)
- SSM (BrainVoyager QX surface-to-surface mapping file, maps vertices from one to another surface)
- STC (BrainVoyager QX slice-based timecourse file, actual data referenced in FMR files)
- VMP (BrainVoyager QX voxel-based map file, i.e. for VMR overlay)
- VMR (BrainVoyager QX voxel-based MR file, i.e. anatomical data)
- VTC (BrainVoyager QX voxel-based timecourse file)
Text-based formats
- FMR (BrainVoyager QX Functional MR file)
- MDM (BrainVoyager QX Multi-study design matrix file)
- OLT (BrainVoyager QX Overlay Look-up Table file)
- POI (BrainVoyager QX Patch-Of-Interest file)
- PRT (BrainVoyager QX Protocol file)
- SDM (BrainVoyager QX Single-study design matrix file, supercedes the older RTC format)
- TAL (BrainVoyager QX Talairach transformation file)
- TRF (BrainVoyager QX Transformation file)
- VOI (BrainVoyager QX Volume-Of-Interest file)
xff_-_file_formats.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/31 18:07 by jochen